Friday, September 24, 2010

Site About Customizing Guitars

This is just a heads up about a great site out there that deals with modifying a guitar and the different methods and materials you can use in the process. One of the nice things about this particular instrument is just how many after market parts are available to change its look and feel. No other instrument really has that going for it.

The site in question has a lot of posts about different modifications that you can easily perform yourself. Many of the best guitar modifications are also pretty cheap. Thanks to online sites like ebay and other specialized retailers, you can find just about any type of part that you may want for your instrument.

Take a minute and check out the site, and then maybe you will start thinking about some ways to improve your own guitar. A good point is made that it is more than just vanity; the better you like your instrument, the better connection you will have to it and the better music you will make.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Video About A Street Musician

This is a nice little documentary about a street drummer in DC that I saw posted at another site. Not exactly guitar related, but sometimes guitar players do play on the streets as well and it is interesting in any case. Here is the link: street drumming

This strikes me as a more feasible and noble model for homelessness; instead of preying on people's evolutionary emotions, this street drummer provides them with something for their money. Any guitar players out there should be glad they can play an instrument just in case they ever find themselves in this position. It also may be wise to have some kind of acoustic guitar so you dont have to haul around a small amp and all of that, thought I have certainly seen people playing electric guitar on the streets in various cities.

The documentary points out how much money can be made, and it actually seems like it could be a decent living. At the very least, a living.