Monday, March 22, 2010

Guitar Composition in Film

The guitar can be a great instrument for film composers looking to take advantage of a new way of looking at music compared to the piano. It helps a composer to be able to view music in as many ways as possible, so if you only know how to play the piano, you might want to try the guitar out and vice versa. It is a fact that if you play different instruments, you will see that they lend themselves to different types of musical elements, and you will compose different music on each one. The natural tendencies of an instrument have a big effect on the musical aspect, and the guitar can do many things that the piano cannot.

Knowing the guitar in addition to the piano will help you find as many musical ideas as possible, and it will help you change up your writing a little bit. Composers need to keep it fresh with their work or else they could really have a hard time, and playing multiple instruments is a good way of combatting this. So if you are a guitar player and film composer, find out what the guitar can do for you in composition.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Guitar Modifications Article

Guitar modifications can be a great thing to do for anyone who may not feel their instrument is performing up to their standards. This site contains lots of information about custom guitar mods that you can do to your instrument to improve its sound and performance without spending a lot of extra money. It even shows how a good strategy may be to buy a cheaper guitar and then put some money into modding it. In the end, you will have spent less money and you will have a guitar that is somewhat of a custom guitar.

This process of personalization with guitars can create a better connection with your instrument and that will help you make better music. The guitar is one of the only instruments that can really be customized, so these guitar mods are a great thing to look into for players that have a limited budget.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Inside and Outside Picking Video

Inside and outside picking is a necessary technique for guitar players who use a pick and want to get the most out of their technique. Outside picking is the one that you are going to use most often, and it should become a big part of your playing. Any time that you want to extend alternate picking to playing between gaps of strings it is most likely going to be outside picking that you use.

The video linked in this post gives good examples of both inside and outside picking and all guitar players should make sure that they are executing these techniques correctly.